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Success Stories

Hartford's Innovation Community is Getting Global Recognition

Hartford may be best known as the capital of Connecticut. And, to many it has also been known as the insurance capital of the world. But, in the last six months, a new identity for Hartford has also started to emerge; a world-class hub of innovation and startup growth. We’re excited to share some recent rankings that have been released, which showcase the ways in which Hartford is quickly becoming the best place to start or grow a company on the East Coast.  

#21 Amongst the Top 100 Emerging Ecosystems around the Globe

Recognition from Startup Genome, a world-leading innovation policy advisory and research firm, means a lot. Especially since the conditions for entrepreneurs in Hartford beat out places that seem to be getting lots more buzz, like Houston and Las Vegas. We know that we’re creating a very special place for innovators to thrive, but it’s nice to have help in spreading the word.  

#4 Amongst the Top 5 in Cities with the Most Female Entrepreneurs

Cheers to our nearly 500 female-owned startups. Your strength and confidence is killing it. We’re so proud to be a place where women are leading the way forward, and helping to set an example for what a more inclusive startup and tech community can look like.

#5 Best U.S. City for Young Entrepreneurs

We love seeing young entrepreneurs taking a risk, AND seeing it pay off. The mentoring available from business experts in Hartford is second to none, and we’re happy to see it make a difference for those with big ambitions. 

#5 City in the US Where Techies Are REALLY Moving

Does it feel like all you keep hearing about is the tech boom in places like Austin and Miami? Well, to our delight, we’ve got one going right here in Hartford too. And according to data provided by LinkedIn, that traction has resulted in our great city making the list of the five top cities where tech talent is actually moving. 

The best part of all of this recognition is the opportunity to help your business get the attention it deserves. Contact us about your vision and we’ll be happy to connect you to help and resources available in Hartford to take it to the next level. And, remember to follow us on social to learn about other ways to get involved in our community.